Event Cancellation Insurance

K&K partners with Showstoppers to provide event cancellation insurance. 

Man under umbrella standing in the rain at an event

Please note that if you are seeking event cancellation coverage pertaining to Coronavirus COVID-19, this is not available as it is deemed a pre-existing condition and it is specifically excluded from all event cancellation policies issued through our program from January 2020 forward.  

Causes Of Loss May Include:

•    Power failure

•    Damage to leased or rented venues

•    Damage to surrounding venues or infrastructure resulting in lack of access

•    Failure of public transport facilities or denial of access

•    Natural catastrophe such as earthquake and flood

•    Adverse weather conditions (This coverage is broader than rain insurance and there are no rain gauge requirements)

•    Non-appearance of a Principal Speaker or Entertainer

•    Inability to erect facilities at a venue

•    Disease outbreak (certain exclusions may apply)

•    Labor Dispute/Strike risks

•    Failure of TV broadcast

•    Any other previously unforeseen cause not excluded under the wording

•    Terrorism

The policy covers the normal contractual relationships of an event organizer which can be adapted for any changed circumstances.     


Please click on the link below to download an application. Depending on your browser settings, the application may download directly to your computer without opening. Please check your download folder to find the PDF application document.

Individual Applications

Contact Information for Event Cancellation Insurance


ATTN: Showstoppers, Seth Fleischer

Affinity Insurance Services, Inc.

2001 K Street, NW, Suite 625 North 

Washington, DC 20006 

[email protected]

Phone: 202-429-8532 or 800-432-7465 ext. 8532

Fax: 202-429-8584

Why choose K&K?

  • Longevity
    Celebrating over 70 years of providing customized insurance solutions 

  • Stability
    Insuring more than 350,000 events and organizations each year 

  • Experience
    Offering over 80 sports, leisure, recreation, and motorsports programs
Why choose K&K?

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All descriptions, summaries or highlights of coverage are for general informational purposes only and do not amend, alter or modify the actual terms or conditions of any insurance policy. Coverage is governed only by the terms and conditions of the relevant policy.